A deep analysis into my creative process

Note: The pictures on this blog have nothing to do with the story, they're just meant to get rid of the boredom of staring at words. 

Preparation: The Inspiration Phase

For me inspiration comes from a broad range of things including stumbling into a perfect reference photo, artists who inspire me, perusing through other artists websites and virtual galleries. In some instances the inspiration comes from non art related activities like when I'm just reading a book, listening to a song and all of a sudden I feel the urge to start creating.

Incubation: Absorbing and Processing

It is at this stage where I allow the inspiration to soak in. At times the inspiration soaks in without me even sitting down to soak it in, it just happens naturally even when I'm busy with other life's commitments. This phase might be as short as a few seconds and can also take days or months at times.


It's at this stage where I evaluate the inspiration or the creative idea. At this phase I ask myself whether the idea is worth pursuing or not. Many of my ideas die at this stage, either I identify the ideas weren't right or I procrastinate and the idea eventually fades away. It's an opportunity to put my creative process art idea to the ultimate test. To navigate through this stage I ask myself questions such as; 

° Will I enjoy this project?

° Is it worth my time and efforts?

After evaluating and accepting the idea I then go to the last phase which probably every artist's favourite.

Elaboration: Putting Pencils to Paper

Once the idea passes the other three stages it's finally time to put my pencils to work. This is the phase where I'm actively creating something and bringing my idea to life. This stage lasts longer than the other three, it typically involves many hours of working and experimenting. It's at this phase where I can create something that will end up in the trash bin or on a collectors wall.

Thank you for reading. Remember to comment, share and most importantly buy my art. For enquiries email me at lenwardart@gmail.com and I'll get back to you in no time. 


  1. I surely enjoyed the images. I have to say that cat spoke to me. Look for my email I'm sending one as soon as I'm done leaving a comment. Keep up the good work. You do fine art.


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