
A deep analysis into my creative process

Note: The pictures on this blog have nothing to do with the story, they're just meant to get rid of the boredom of staring at words.  Preparation : The Inspiration Phase For me inspiration comes from a broad range of things including stumbling into a perfect reference photo, artists who inspire me, perusing through other artists websites and virtual galleries. In some instances the inspiration comes from non art related activities like when I'm just reading a book, listening to a song and all of a sudden I feel the urge to start creating. Incubation: Absorbing and Processing It is at this stage where I allow the inspiration to soak in. At times the inspiration soaks in without me even sitting down to soak it in, it just happens naturally even when I'm busy with other life's commitments. This phase might be as short as a few seconds and can also take days or months at times. Evaluation It's at this stage where I evaluate the inspiration or the creative idea. At this

"A Dove's Plea for Peace"

I have been procrastinating a lot on commenting on this piece of art here on my channel for a few weeks now but I decided to go for it today. First things first... This drawing was created for an art competition for peace organized by an organization called 4-H Zimbabwe Foundation ( big shout-out to the organization for organizing such as amazing competition). You're probably wondering if I won the competition or not, slow down, will you? I wasn't in the top 3 but I'm still grateful for being in the top 8 out of the hundred or more submissions that were made by various artists. Let me not waste time and get straight to what you want to read. I bet you all love hearing an artist talking more about his or her own artwork. I'll briefly start by generally telling you about the handshake and the dove. The handshake The meanings of handshakes vary where I'm from in Zimbabwe. They stand for a salutation (greeting), an understanding, or a demonstration of good faith. It 

How to draw a realistic dog nose

For this tutorial you will need the following; ○ Paper ○ Charcoal pencils  ○ Pencil eraser ○ White gel pen  Let's get started!!!  Step 1: Structure and sketch Structure  The first thing I like to start with and recommend to anyone drawing this is looking for lines and angles of the nose that I am working on. I like to view this as the structural map of a nose. The most crucial angles to identify when drawing a dog or any animal's nose are: ○ The shape of the nostrils; ○ The size of the nostrils; ○ The size of the overall nose.  Sketch We can now start to make the nose look more natural. The trick with working with pencils is avoiding to go in dark at once hence it is important to keep the sketch lines light to avoid messing up our paper. Working light will help us whenever we need to erase or change a few things. Step 2: Block in Now the real deal begins, we are now moving on to shading. Before doing this though, we need to identify our light and dark shades. We

How to draw a realistic dog

Learn a Few Techniques on How to Draw a Realistic Dog By Lenward Mapinde   We all love dogs, don't we? Well, get your pencils and learn how to capture and immortalize the cuteness on paper with a bit of help and practice. The tutorial or techniques covered here do not only apply to this particular breed but may be used to draw many if not all breeds out there. Draw a Dog Level: Easy Basic materials you'll need: Charcoal pencil (for shadows- any brand should do) HB pencil (for sketching) White Eraser Kneaded Eraser Soft brush Let's dive right into it... 1. Sketch your main features out Block (sketch) in the basic features of our dog ie eyes, nose and mouth. To get better proportions I highly recommend drawing very faint horizontal and vertical guidelines to help you align everything out. Work to refine your block-in until you have a basic contour. 2. Lightly Shade Once you have everything in the right place, clean up the sketch by erasing your guidelin

Lenward Mapinde Biography

                    About Lenward Mapinde Lenward Mapinde is a 23 year old visual artist from Bulawayo Zimbabwe. Growing up in a society surrounded by artists specialising in realism art I quickly fell in love with pencil realism drawing. Source of inspiration My inspiration comes from my deep love for wildlife and from other wildlfe artists on social media who have had a major influence in my art. Area of specialty       I specialize in wildlife drawing, particularly African wildlife for example, wild dogs, elephants, and leopards. I ventured into wildlife drawing because I believe my art can be used in increasing knowledge on wildlife conservation and fighting against illegal poaching of animals. I use my art as a voice for the voiceless animals, I believe my drawings can touch the hearts of many to join me and my fellow wildlife artists in helping towards the wildlife conservation initiative.                            Medium of choice I draw my subjects using charcoal and graphite