Lenward Mapinde Biography

                    About Lenward Mapinde

Lenward Mapinde is a 23 year old visual artist from Bulawayo Zimbabwe. Growing up in a society surrounded by artists specialising in realism art I quickly fell in love with pencil realism drawing.

Source of inspiration

My inspiration comes from my deep love for wildlife and from other wildlfe artists on social media who have had a major influence in my art.

Area of specialty
I specialize in wildlife drawing, particularly African wildlife for example, wild dogs, elephants, and leopards. I ventured into wildlife drawing because I believe my art can be used in increasing knowledge on wildlife conservation and fighting against illegal poaching of animals. I use my art as a voice for the voiceless animals, I believe my drawings can touch the hearts of many to join me and my fellow wildlife artists in helping towards the wildlife conservation initiative.

                           Medium of choice

I draw my subjects using charcoal and graphite pencils on paper, I love mixing the two mediums because they each play a special role in my drawings (I love charcoal because of its darker tones as compared to graphite).

                           Use of drawings

My drawings are suitable for home decorations, exhibiting in galleries and for auctioning by wildlife conservation organisations (with half of proceeds going towards wildlife conservation initiatives).

Wildlife Art for Conservation- that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


  1. This is great dear . May you continue with the good work

  2. Wow this is fantastic Lenward well done. May you and your art go from strength to strength.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Stay tuned for more content.

  3. Keep up the great work!!

  4. This looks great Lenward. I love your art and I know you put your heart and soul into each piece, with the intent to bring awareness to Africa’s amazing wildlife and it’s fight for survival. ❤️

    1. The goal is to promote wildlife conservation through art. Thank you so much for the comment.

  5. You're really talented, and your vision is clear.keep up the great work

  6. your work is amazing mate.... you are so talented, keep on drawing and insipiring us

    1. Thank you so much. Watch the space for more interesting drawings and content.

  7. You are truly gifted Lenward - your work is flawless and your goals are to be commended - wishing you everything of the very best, cheers from Oz!!

    1. Thank you so much Shelley. You're much appreciated my friend. Watch the space for more content.

  8. This is amazing. May God continue to bless the work of your hands

  9. I love your artwork!!! You have amazing talent & your ethos behind it adds even more!! Keep sharing your art & inspiration with the world. We need it!!!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. I'll surely continue sharing more so watch the space.

    2. One amazing artist!!!’


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